Dentist Anesthesiologists
Dentist anesthesiologists are the most highly trained dentists that provide anesthesia services. In fact, dentist anesthesiologists are the most highly trained individuals of any professional background specifically trained to provide the full spectrum of minimal sedation through intubated general anesthesia for dental patients in various settings including the dental office environment, surgery centers and hospital operating rooms. There is no group of individuals from any background that has a better safety record while providing anesthesia to dental patients than dentist anesthesiologists.
Just as with the most highly trained individuals in other professions, continuing education is a necessity for dental anesthesiologists. Airline Transport Pilots (ATP), the most highly trained pilots, must fly with other pilots to be checked out every six months in most cases. Even the lowest level of pilot, the private pilot, must fly with a flight instructor every two years at minimum in order to maintain privileges to fly. And so it is with the dentist anesthesiologist. Flight instructors are readily available to evaluate private pilots and the use of simulators in the airline industry allows ATP rated pilots to be evaluated regularly with relative ease. But the ability to obtain hands-on educational experiences with live patient experiences for dentist anesthesiologists has been very limited until recently. This is why we have created One 2 One Anesthesia, so that you can experience real cases side by side with an expert instructor.
Training With The Best

One 2 One Anesthesia at Solis Surgical Arts in Tarzana, CA is the perfect place to turn to for this valuable ongoing education. We know of nowhere else in the world that this type of training is available in a continuing education course. Our faculty is comprised of dentist anesthesiologists that personally provide and teach anesthesia and related subjects on a daily basis. Click here for more information about our faculty
A 'No Mistakes' Approach
We all get comfortable with the techniques we use with regularity and sometimes we get into a rut. Coming to a new place with fresh expectations of learning new skills or refining old ones can be a fun way to keep up with this ever-changing field. If one’s particular practice has evolved into open airway deep sedation on specific patient populations, spending a few days with us at Solis Surgical Arts Center may open up new avenues of practice and allow you to treat a wider range of patients. As our courses are tailored to your needs and past experiences, make sure to go over your goals and history with us when you call to register for your course. Courses fill up quickly with limited space make sure if your interested in our course to get more information about it today by calling us at (818) 344-4210. Click here for a full course description

A Testing Ground to for Video Laryngoscopes
We currently have the following video laryngoscopes available at Solis Surgical Arts Center:

Storz C-Mac

King Vision

McGrath Mac

McGrath Series 5

Vivid Trac

Working Around Drug Shortages

One of the most valuable parts of any course that we offer is the assistant training we provide. You are encouraged to bring two dental assistants with you to our courses. We train them in record keeping and assisting for dental procedures under sedation and we teach them how to help you with airway management. In the event of an emergency, their assistance could help save a life!
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