The One2One Anesthesia Difference
here is no “one size fits all” where our advanced anesthesia training courses are concerned. We strive to give you a perfectly tailor made course designed to fit your current level of knowledge and experience, in line with your training goals and the specific areas in which you would like to expand your knowledge and experience.
Work side-by-side with our outstanding and highly experienced faculty. We strictly adhere to a training ratio of no more than 2 doctor participants to 1 faculty member. Our courses are all “hands-on” and over the shoulder” courses to give you the most practical training. Each doctor participates in the anesthesia care during the operating room dental procedures. Learn more about our excellent training faculty.
Courses are held at Solis Surgical Arts Center, a licensed ambulatory surgery center dedicated to treating dentistry patients under general anesthesia. This one of a kind facility is located in Tarzana, California. Our licensed facility has two full sized ORs that allow space for teaching and training. Each OR contains a 55 inch monitor to better enable students to see video laryngoscopy up close and personal. Click here for more information on Solis Surgical Arts Center.
To learn more about our individualized advanced anesthesia Continuing Education courses, give us a call today or click here to fill out our online registration form. Due to the nature of our strictly 2 to 1 ratio, the opportunity to learn with us does fill up quickly. So make sure to give us a call at (818) 344-4210 and reserve that dates that work best for you before they are gone. Course dates can be found on the registration page.
Sunny Southern California
Don't Leave Your Assistants At Home

One of the most valuable parts of any course that we offer is the assistant training we provide. You are encouraged to bring two dental assistants with you to our courses. We train them in record keeping and assisting for dental procedures under sedation and we teach them how to help you with airway management. In the event of an emergency, their assistance could help save a life!
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