Advanced Anesthesia Training
Dentist anesthesiologist Dr. Ken Lee offers hands-on, one to one training in a variety of airway management techniques on live patients for all providers of parenteral moderate sedation, deep sedation and general anesthesia. Additionally, sedative and anesthetic drug techniques appropriate to the level of training of the doctor are available.

Dentist Anesthesiologist
Keep your skills fresh, explore several types of video laryngoscopes, and learn new options to work around drug shortages…
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Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons
Explore the management of a “rocky” anesthetic, review of the decision tree on when to choose an advanced airway, and working around drug shortages...
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Moderate Sedation
Monitor live patients, learn the “difficult airway algorithm”, and review all moderate sedation agents...
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State of the Art Facility
The facility, Solis Surgical Arts Center is a newly built, accredited ambulatory surgery center dedicated to the dental needs of patients requiring IV sedation or general anesthesia. It is located in Tarzana (Los Angeles), CA and is a one of a kind educational facility. Learn more about Advanced Anesthesia at Solis Surgical Arts Center.
Our Staff Helps Your Staff
Our team includes dental assistants and nurses that are exceptional teachers too. Our clinical staff has had over 40 combined years training the auxiliary of many of our training doctors. They will train your staff to be better and safer, teaching them from the staff perspective.
Small Classes = Big Experience
Our course schedule fills up quickly as there is never more than 2 doctors per 1 faculty. Give us a call to discuss your learning goals and experience and let us design an Advanced Anesthesia course tailored especially for you. To reserve your space you can give us a call today at (818) 344-4210, or fill out or registration form in less than 2 minutes!
Learn From The Best
Dr. Ken Lee has more than 25 years experience providing and teaching the full spectrum of anesthesia for dentistry including pediatric and adult patients as well as patients with special needs and medically complex patients.
Detailed Course Descriptions
For a detailed description of course offerings and options, please click on the appropriate button below.