IV Moderate Sedation Providers

The most important skill any moderate sedation provider can learn, and master is head-tilt with chin-lift and jaw thrust utilizing bag-valve-mask ventilation.  From many years of experience we know that this skill isn’t taught as well as it needs to be in CPR, PALS or ACLS.  Even if you have taken a high fidelity human simulation course, SimMan® mannequins are not the same as live patients.  Every day in our courses you will learn these techniques on live patients.  The “difficult airway algorithm” we have developed for moderate sedation providers moves to the use of an oropharyngeal airway or nasopharyngeal airway if bag-valve-mask ventilation is ineffective.  This algorithm proceeds to a laryngeal mask airway as the final advanced airway adjunct.  It must be emphasized that while placement of these advanced airways are commonplace for your general anesthesia trained educators; they represent a true medical emergency for the moderate sedation provider and must be treated as such.

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Hands-On Advanced Anesthesia Training


Monitor Live Patients

During most courses for moderate sedation providers we “make sense” of monitoring, giving you a deeper understanding of what is happening with your patients as various vital signs parameters change.  As we see live patients in the operating rooms, we will thoroughly review patients’ medical histories with you and have in-depth discussions revolving around proper patient selection for moderate sedation providers with an emphasis on airway evaluation. If you have questions about our courses please contact us.

Learn About Accuvein

Learn about the Accu Vein, which digitally displays a map of the vasculature on the surface of the skin in real time, allowing clinicians to verify vein patency and avoid valves or bifurcations.


Review All Moderate Sedation Agents

Many moderate sedation providers have been taught a benzodiazepine only technique.  For those doctors, we are happy to discuss and demonstrate opioids that are appropriate for the moderate sedation provider as well as many other adjunctive agents.  For those doctors currently using only one opioid, we will discuss and demonstrate the use of other agents in this class that may be more appropriate under specific circumstances. We find that it is best to understand all of the options available to you.

Don't Leave Your Assistants At Home


One of the most valuable parts of any course that we offer is the assistant training we provide.  You are encouraged to bring two dental assistants with you to our courses.  We train them in record keeping and assisting for dental procedures under sedation and we teach them how to help you with airway management. In the event of an emergency, their assistance could help save a life!

Book Your C.E. Course Today

This hands-on, airway centric training in the operating room with live patients is truly unique to our facility.  We don’t know of anywhere else in the world that this type of training is available in a continuing education course.  When planning their educational experience, we find that most doctors choose a five-day initial course. Give us a call today at (818) 344-4210 or fill out our registration request form to schedule the course that best fits your needs.

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